This new edited collection illustrates the paradoxical power of social capital in creating and resolving conflict.

This is the first book to bring the two faces of social capital together in a single volume, and includes previously unpublished case studies, statistical analyses, and theoretical essays. The book is divided into three sections. The first investigates the role of social capital in inciting and/or furthering violence; the second examines the contributions of social capital to peace building; the third explores the complexities and ambiguities of roles social capital may play in peace and conflict. Policy implications and recommendations are included in many of the discussions in the chapters.

The volume tackles some key issues, such as: to what extent is social capital related to peace and conflict? What forms does social capital take in these associations, and how can the relationships be explained? What impact does this have on the state and/or state relations, and what policy prescriptions might be made in light of the link drawn between social capital and peace/conflict?



Introduction Michaelene Cox  Part I. Social Capital as an Instrument of Violence  1. Shades of orange and green: Civil society and the peace process in Northern Ireland Roberto Belloni  2. Reporting the greater odds: Dissent and militancy among trusting East-Central European citizens Michaelene Cox  3. Social capital, crime and welfare: the cases of Colombia and Honduras José Cuesta  4. Analyzing the dark side of social capital: Organized crime in Russia Leah Gilbert  5. Illicit interest groups, social capital, and conflict: A study of the FARC Patricia Micolta  Part II. Social Capital as a Catalyst for Peace  6. The color of tears is the same everywhere: Inter-ethnic networking and grassroots organizing among women workers in conflict-ridden Sri Lanka  Sandya Hewamanne  7. Gender, conflict, and social capital: Bonding and bridging in war in the Former Yugoslavia Maja Korac  8. Decentralization and social capital formation in communities of Mali Keith Moore  9. Cyprus conflict and social capital theory: a new perspective on an old conflict Raymond Saner  Part III. Ambiguities of Social Capital in Peace and Conflict  10. The pacific promise of civic institutions? Causal ambiguity in the study of social capital Terrence Chapman  11. Social capital in exclusive and inclusive networks: Satisfying human needs through conflict and conflict resolution Susan Allen Nan  12. Exploring opportunities and obstacles for a constructive role of social capital in peacebuilding: A framework for analysis Thania Paffenholz