Coastal Landscapes of the Mesolithic: Human Engagement with the Coast from the Atlantic to the Baltic Sea explores the character and significance of coastal landscapes in the Mesolithic – on different scales and with various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches.

Mesolithic people were strongly connected to the sea, with coastal areas vital for subsistence and communication across the water. This anthology includes case studies from Scandinavia, western Europe and the Baltic area, presented by key international researchers. Topics addressed include large-scale analyses of the archaeological and geological development of coastal areas, the exploration of coastal environments with interdisciplinary methods, the discussion of the character of coastal settlements and of their possible networks, social and economic practices along the coast, as well as perceptions and cosmological aspects of coastal areas. Together, these topics and approaches contribute in an innovative way to the understanding of the complexity of topographically changing coastal areas as both border zones between land and sea and as connecting landscapes.

Providing novel insights into the study of the Mesolithic as well as coastal areas and landscapes in general, the book is an important resource for researchers of the Mesolithic and coastal archaeology.

chapter 1|24 pages

Coastal landscapes of the Mesolithic

Diversities, challenges and perspectives on human–coast relations between the Atlantic and the Baltic Sea

part I|94 pages

The significance of coastal areas

chapter 3|29 pages

Mesolithic coastal landscapes

Demography, settlement patterns and subsistence economy in southeastern Norway

chapter 4|26 pages

‘They made no effort to explore the interior of the country’

Coastal landscapes, hunter-gatherers and the islands of Ireland

chapter 5|20 pages

Transformations of coast and culture

A view from the Latvian shore of the Baltic

part II|108 pages

Coastal sites, mobility and networks

chapter 6|26 pages

Diachronic trends among Early Mesolithic site types?

A study from the coast of central Norway

chapter 7|32 pages

The Mesolithic coastal exploitation of western Scotland

The impacts of climate change and use of favoured locations

chapter 8|23 pages

Specialists facing climate change

The 8200 cal bp event and its impact on the coastal settlement in the inner Oslo fjord, southeast Norway

chapter 9|25 pages

Mesolithic networks of Atlantic France

The two faces of Brittany (7th and 6th millennia cal bc)

part III|112 pages

The resources of the sea and beyond

chapter 11|36 pages

Resource management in Late Mesolithic Eastern Norway?

Fishing in the coastal, interior and mountain areas and its socio-economic implications

chapter 12|21 pages

Seals on the ice

Integrating archaeology, zooarchaeology and isotopic studies to discuss some aspects of landscape use and subsistence choices in Stone Age coastal societies of the Baltic Sea

part IV|76 pages

The coastal zone: Time depth, historicity and ritual practice

chapter 14|18 pages

Nodal points in a Mesolithic mobile coastal world

Monumental quarries in south Norway

chapter 15|35 pages

First visit or revisit?

Motivations of mobility and the use and reuse of sites in the changing coastal areas of Mesolithic southeastern Norway

chapter 16|21 pages

Ritual depositions in the coastal zone

A case from Syltholm, Denmark