Neuroscientists and cognitive scientists have collaborated for more than a decade with the common goal of understanding how the mind works. These collaborations have helped unravel puzzles of the mind including aspects of perception, imagery, attention and memory. Many aspects of the mind, however, require a more comprehensive approach to reveal the mystery of mind-brain connections. Attraction, altruism, speech recognition, affiliation, attachment, attitudes, identification, kin recognition, cooperation, competition, empathy, sexuality, communication, dominance, persuasion, obedience, morality, contagion, nurturance, violence, and person memory are just a few. Through classic and contemporary articles and reviews, Social Neuroscience illustrates the complementary nature of social, cognitive, and biological levels of analysis and how research integrating these levels can foster more comprehensive theories of the mechanisms underlying complex behaviour and the mind.

PART I Volume Overview: Analyses of the Social Brain through the Lens of Human Brain Imaging, PART 2 The Brain Determines Social Behavior: The Story of Phineas Gage, PART 3 Dissociable Systems for Attention, Emotion, and Social Knowledge, PART 4 Dissociable Systems for Face and Object Processing, PART 5 Dissociable Systems for the Perception of Biological Movement, PART 6 Biological Movement: From Perception to Imitation to Emotion, PART 7 Animacy, Causality, and Theory of Mind, PART 8 Social Perception and Cognition: Multiple Routes, PART 9 Decision-Making, PART 10 Biological Does Not Mean Predetermined: Reciprocal Influences of Social and Biological Processes