Fisheries, recreation, transportation, mineral extraction ... the world's seas are subject to an incredibly diverse range of uses. Hitherto these have generally been considered on a use by use basis, with a multiplicity of separate organisations involved in government, private and voluntary sectors. The Development of Integrated Sea Use Management looks at the moves towards integrated management of these conflicting uses and of their environmental impacts. Three key starting points for integrated management are identified, namely, the theme of maritime boundary delimitation which governs the allocation of sea space among states; the management of individual uses, which remains a cornerstone upon which integrated management can be built; and the regional basis of integrated ocean management. The content ranges widely over detailed case studies within each sphere, in both developed and developing countries, and from coastal estuaries to the deep ocean.

Part I: The Development of Research and Practice 1. The Application of Maritime Geography: A Technical and General Management Approach H D Smith 2. Development and Management of Coastal and Marine Regions: An International Perspective S M A Vallejo Part II: The Spatial Framework of Management: Key Issues 3. The Law and Coastlines W Ritchie 4. The Spatial Responsibilities of a Coastal State Regarding the Sea: Principles and Delimitation Criteria for the Territorial Sea of the Federal Republic of Germany H J Buchholz 5. Geographic factors in Deliniating Exclusive Economic Zones: Some Examples from the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands J R Morgan 6. Straight Baselines and Maritime Boundary Delimitation in the Mediterranean Sea S R Langford 7. Geopolitical Implications of the Law of the Sea in the Carribean: The Interaction of Scale and Style in the Generation and Solution of Maritime `territorial conflicts' G Sandner 8. `Choke Points' of the World Ocean: A Geographic Assessment L M Alexander Part III: The Management of Individual Uses: Key Starting Points 9. La Securite Maritime J Marcadon 10. The Development and Management of the North Sea Herring Fishing in the 20th Century J R Coull 11. Oil in the Northern Gulf of Mexico D W Davis 12. Recreational Water Quality: The Application of Water Quality Standards to Welsh beaches D Kay 13. The Process of China's Marine Geographic Research Zhang Yao-Quang 14. Les Parcs Marines en Mediterranee G Cognetti and C da Pozzo Part IV: The Regional Bases of Integrated Management 15. Management Issues of the Western Scheldt R J Scheele 16. Politique Francaise et position Communitaire dans l'organisation du Littoral et de la Mer Adjacente A C Vigarie 17. The Integrated Utilisation and Management of China's Coastal Zone Yang Zuo-Sheng 18. Legal Aspects pertaining to the Utilisation of the Sea off Tanzania's Coast J P Msangi 19. The Human Geography of Semi-Enclosed Seas: The Mediterranean Case - A First Approach A Vallega 20. United States Law of the Sea policy and the Strategic Minerals Supply Problem E W Anderson