Currently, there are a limited amount of guidelines to help clinicians manage patients with obesity and comorbid mental disorders. This expertly written source fills the gap in the literature by providing a clear overview of obesity and its relationship to mental illness while reviewing the most recent methods to manage and control the condition wi

part I|1 pages

Overview of Obesity

chapter 1|20 pages

Obesity Is a Major Health Problem: Causes and Natural History

ByGeorge A. Bray

part II|1 pages

Relationship Between Obesity and Psychopathology

chapter 2|20 pages

Obesity and Psychotic Disorders

ByJogin H. Thakore, Leona Spelman

chapter 3|52 pages

Obesity and Mood Disorders

BySusan L. McElroy, Renu Kotwal, Erik B. Nelson, Shishuka Malhotra, Paul E. Keck, Charles B. Nemeroff

chapter 4|9 pages

Eating Disorders in Obesity

ByL. K. George Hsu

chapter 5|21 pages

Obesity and Substance Use Disorders

ByMark S. Gold, Helen C. Oppenheim, Kimberly Frost-Pineda

chapter 6|22 pages

Obesity and Smoking

ByJaimee L. Heffner, Suzan Winders-Barrett, Robert M. Anthenelli

chapter 7|20 pages

Obesity and Impulsive and Compulsive Disorders

ByLatha V. Soorya, Bryann R. Baker, Lisa Sharma, Eric Hollander

chapter 8|24 pages

Metabolic Syndrome: Overview and Relationship with Psychiatric Disorders

ByRichard A. Bermudes, Anna Guerdjikova

chapter 9|28 pages

Obesity, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and Mood Disorders

ByMargaret F. Reynolds, Natalie L. Rasgon

part III|1 pages

Behavioral Treatments of Obesity with and Without Psychopathology

chapter 10|18 pages

Dietary Therapy of Obesity

ByRobert F. Kushner, Bethany Doerfler

chapter 11|26 pages

Behavioral Weight Management of Obese Patients with Mental Disorders

BySusan L. McElroy, Renu Kotwal

part IV|1 pages

Medical Treatments of Obesity with and without Psychopathology

chapter 12|28 pages

Pharmacologic Agents in the Treatment of Obesity

ByDonna H. Ryan

chapter 13|18 pages

Overview of Agents with Efficacy in Binge Eating

ByJose C. Appolinario, Josué Bacaltchuk

chapter 14|48 pages

Psychotropic-Induced Weight Gain: Liability, Mechanisms and Treatment Approaches

ByRoger S. McIntyre, Jakub Z. Konarski, Paul E. Keck

chapter 15|14 pages

Medical Management of Uncomplicated Obesity

ByJonathan A. Waitman, Louis J. Aronne

chapter 16|48 pages

Medical Management of Obesity Associated with Mood Disorders

BySusan L. McElroy, Renu Kotwal, Paul E. Keck

chapter 17|6 pages

Medical Management of Obesity and Binge Eating

ByScott Crow, Kerry Wangen

chapter 18|10 pages

Weight Loss Surgery for the Treatment of Morbid Obesity

ByReena Bhargava, Calvin Selwyn, Keith S. Gersin

chapter 19|30 pages

The Role of Bariatric Surgery in the Obese Patient with Psychopathology

ByJames E. Mitchell, Tricia Cook Myers, Lorraine Swan-Kremeier, Martina de Zwaan