Echocardiography is one of the most useful and powerful diagnostic tools in the assessment of cardiac function. It remains a rapidly expanding modality, with new techniques constantly developing and maturing. Building on the success of the original work, the second edition of Making Sense of Echocardiography: A Hands-on Guide provides a timely, acc

part 1|38 pages

Essential principles

chapter 1|2 pages

History of echocardiography

chapter 3|11 pages

Physics and instrumentation

chapter 4|9 pages

Doppler physics

chapter 5|4 pages

Service provision

part 2|76 pages

Cardiac imaging techniques

chapter 7|8 pages

Transoesophageal echo

chapter 8|9 pages

Stress echo

chapter 9|4 pages

Contrast echo

chapter 10|3 pages

Tissue Doppler imaging

chapter 12|10 pages

3D echo

part 3|188 pages

Clinical cases

chapter 18|5 pages

The left atrium

chapter 19|16 pages

The aortic valve

chapter 20|19 pages

The mitral valve

chapter 21|27 pages

The right heart

chapter 23|8 pages


chapter 24|10 pages

The cardiomyopathies

chapter 25|10 pages

The pericardium

chapter 26|9 pages

The aorta

chapter 27|9 pages

Cardiac masses

chapter 28|14 pages

Congenital heart disease

chapter 29|10 pages

Common echo requests