This title includes a number of Open Access chapters.Bringing together the results of studies of child services from diverse countries and cultures, this book covers a broad array of topical issues and social work interventions. It examines adolescent emotional health, children of substance abusers, childhood depression and teenage suicide, childre

New Estimates of the Number of Children Living with Substance Misusing Parents: Results from UK National Household Surveys. Supporting Adolescent Emotional Health in Schools: A Mixed Methods Study of Student and Staff Views in England. Depressive Symptoms from Kindergarten to Early School Age: Longitudinal Associations with Social Skills Deficits and Peer Victimization. Exploring the Impact of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative on Trends in Exclusive Breastfeeding. Perception of Neighborhood Safety and Reported Childhood Lifetime Asthma in the United States (U. S.): A Study Based on a National Survey. Environmental Factors Influence Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Interactions of Socioeconomic Position with Psychosocial and Environmental Correlates of children's Physical Activity: An Observational Study of South Australian Families. Associations Among Parental Feeding Styles and Children's Food Intake in Families with Limited Incomes. A Pilot Study Evaluating a Support Programme for Parents of Young People with Suicidal Behaviour. Assessment of Intensity, Prevalence and Duration of Everyday Activities in Swiss School Children: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Accelerometer and Diary Data. The Specificity and the Development of Social-Emotional Competence in a Multi-Ethnic-Classroom. Adolescents' Experience of Comments About Their Weight-Prevalence, Accuracy and Effects on Weight Misperception. Children's Liking and Wanting of Snack Products: Influence of Shape and Flavour. Preventing Delinquency Through Improved Child Protection Services. Parents' Assessment of Parent-Child Interaction Interventions-A Longitudinal Study in 101 Families. Index.