Fish accomplish most of their basic behaviors by swimming. Swimming is fundamental in a vast majority of fish species for avoiding predation, feeding, finding food, mating, migrating and finding optimal physical environments. Fish exhibit a wide variety of swimming patterns and behaviors. This treatise looks at fish swimming from the behavioral and

chapter 1|39 pages

Waves and Eddies: Effects on Fish Behavior and Habitat Distribution

ByPaul W. Webb, Aline Cotel, Lorelle A. Meadows

chapter 2|22 pages

Biomechanics of Rheotactic Behaviour in Fishes

ByR.W. Blake, K.H.S. Chan

chapter 3|28 pages

Fish Guidance and Passage at Barriers

ByTheodore Castro-Santos, Alex Haro

chapter 4|33 pages

Swimming Strategies for Energy Economy

ByFrank E. Fish

chapter 5|48 pages

Escape Responses in Fish: Kinematics, Performance and behavior

ByPaolo Domenici

chapter 6|29 pages

Roles of Locomotion in Feeding

ByAaron N. Rice, Melina E. Hale

chapter 7|49 pages

Ecology and Evolution of Swimming Performance in Fishes: Predicting Evolution with Biomechanics

ByR. Brian Langerhans, David N. Reznick

chapter 8|20 pages

Sexual Selection, Male Quality and Swimming Performance

ByAstrid Kodric-Brown

chapter 9|27 pages

Environmental Influences on Unsteady Swimming Behaviour: Consequences for Predator-prey and Mating Encounters in Teleosts

ByR.S. Wilson, C. Lefrançois, P. Domenici, I.A. Johnston

chapter 10|37 pages

The Effects of Environmental Factors on the Physiology of Aerobic Exercise

ByD.J. McKenzie, G. Claireaux

chapter 12|33 pages

The Role of Swimming in Reef Fish Ecology

ByJ. Fulton Christopher

chapter 14|48 pages

The Eco-physiology of Swimming and Movement Patterns of Tunas, Billfishes, and Large Pelagic Sharks

ByDiego Bernal, Chugey Sepulveda, Michael Musyl, Richard Brill