Remote sensing and GIS are increasingly used as tools for monitoring and managing forests. Remotely sensed and GIS data are now the data sources of choice for capturing, documenting, and understanding forest disturbance and landscape pattern. Sitting astride the fields of ecology, forestry, and remote sensing/GIS, Understanding Forest Disturbanc

Introduction: Structure, Function, and Change of Forest Landscapes. Identifying and Describing Forest Disturbance and Spatial Pattern: Data Selection Issues and Methodological Implications. Remotely Sensed Data in the Mapping of Forest Harvest Patterns. Remotely Sensed Data in the Mapping of Insect Defoliation. Using Remote Sensing to Map and Monitor Fire Damage in Forest Ecosystems. Integrating GIS and Remotely Sensed Data for Mapping Forest Disturbance and Change. New Directions in Landscape Pattern Analysis and Linkages with Remote Sensing. Characterizing Stand-Replacing Harvest and Fire Disturbance Patches in a Forested Landscape: A Case Study from Cooney Ridge. Conclusion: Understanding Forest Disturbance and Spatial Pattern, Information Needs, and New Approaches. Index.