Nanotechnology can be used to address challenges faced by the food and bioprocessing industries for developing and implementing improved or novel systems that can produce safer, nutritious, healthier, sustainable, and environmental-friendly food products. This book overviews the most recent advances made on the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology that significantly influenced the food industry. Advances in Processing Technologies for Bio-Based Nanosystems in Food provides a multidisciplinary review of the complex mechanisms involved in the research, development, production and legislation of food containing nanostructures systems.


  • Presents the most recent advances made in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology as applied to the food industry
  • Discusses innovative approaches and processing technologies
  • Shows how nanotechnology can be used to produce safer, nutritious, healthier, sustainable and environmental-friendly food products
  • Covers the complex mechanisms involved in the research, development, production and legislation of food containing nanostructures

Selected examples of nanotechnology applications in food industry are shown, focusing on advanced aspects of food packaging, processing and preservation; followed by one contribution that presents the potential commercialization and the main challenges for scale-up. Comprised of 15 chapters, this book provides much-needed and up-to-date information on the use of emergent technologies in bio-based nanosystems for foods, and serves as an ideal reference for scientists, regulators, industrialists, and consumers that conduct

research and development in the food processing industry.

section Section I|1 pages


chapter 1|10 pages

Nanotechnology in Food

Introduction, Context, and Concepts
ByÓscar L. Ramos, José A. Teixeira, António A. Vicente

section Section II|1 pages

Production and Characterization of Bio-nanosystems Focusing Emerging Processing Technologies

chapter 2|15 pages

Nanohydrogels Production

ByRicardo N. Pereira, Óscar L. Ramos

chapter 3|22 pages

Nanoparticles Production Methods

ByAdriana Lima, Francisco Silva, Bruno Sarmento, José C. Andrade

chapter 4|21 pages

Lipid-Based Nanosystems Production

ByPeter X. Chen, Michael A. Rogers

chapter 5|27 pages

Nanolaminated Systems Production by Layer-by-Layer Technique

ByAna C. Pinheiro, Ana I. Bourbon, Joana T. Martins, Philippe E. Ramos, António A. Vicente, Maria G. Carneiro-da-Cunha

chapter 6|24 pages

Bio-nanosystems Resorting to Electrohydrodynamic Processing

BySergio Torres-Giner, Beatriz Melendez-Rodriguez, Adriane Cherpinski, Jose M. Lagaron

chapter 7|24 pages

Characterization of Bio-nanosystems

ByCláudia Sousa, Dmitri Y. Petrovykh

section Section III|1 pages

Evaluation of Bio-nanosystems Behavior Containing Bioactive Compounds

chapter 8|35 pages

Delivery Systems

Improving Food Quality, Safety and Potential Health Benefits
ByEdgar Acosta, Mehdi Nouraei

chapter 9|22 pages

Uptake and Digestion

ByAmelia Torcello-Gómez, Alan R. Mackie

chapter 10|20 pages

Mechanism of Action and Toxicological Profile of Essential Oils in Foodstuff

ByRaquel Vieira, Ana C. Fortuna, Amélia M. Silva, Selma B. Souto, Eliana B. Souto

section Section IV|1 pages

Applications in Food Industries

chapter 11|26 pages

Nanotechnology as a Way for Bio-based and Biodegradable Food Packaging with Enhanced Properties

ByMiguel A. Cerqueira, Pablo Fuciños, Lorenzo M. Pastrana

chapter 12|18 pages

Nanotechnology in Food Processing

ByS. García-Pinilla, J.C. Villalobos-Espinosa, M. Cornejo-Mazón, G.F. Gutiérrez-López

chapter 13|35 pages

Nanotechnology in Food Preservation

ByAdriano Brandelli, Cristian M.B. Pinilla, Nathalie A. Lopes

section Section V|1 pages

Future Perspectives