The Arctic, in the polar region, the northernmost part of Earth, is the hotspot for climate change assessments and the sensitive barometer of global climate variability. This book includes the scientific observations in the Arctic region’s climate and the results obtained by scientists at the Indian Arctic station Himadri over the past decade. Designed and structured to incorporate multi-dimensional climate change research output, it is a significant contribution toward understanding, among other issues, the role of persistent organic pollutants and mercury, as well as the increase of carbon monoxide during ozone reduction in the Arctic.

Features include:

  • Highlights the achievements of climate change research in the Arctic region
  • Includes case studies of scientists in the Arctic and their significant achievements through the Indian research base Himadri
  • Provides a thorough review of palaeoclimate change studies, the impact of climate change on biotic components and the impact of climate change on abiotic components
  • Provides specific details on the study of ozone depletion phenomenon over the Arctic region
  • Covers a wide range of research contributions
  • Details sea ice variability in the context of global warming over the Arctic region
  • Connects seismogenesis with the climate change in the Arctic region

This book will be an important read for researchers, students and all interested professionals.

Chapter 1 Climate Change Assessment over the Arctic Region: Initiatives Through Indian Polar Programme,

Chapter 2 Arctic Weather and Climate Patterns,

Chapter 3 Investigation of GPS-Derived Total Electron Content (TEC) and Scintillation Index for Indian Arctic and Antarctic Stations,

Chapter 4 Multi-Year Measurements of Black Carbon Aerosols and Solar Radiation Over Himadri, Ny-Ålesund:  Effects on Arctic Climate,

Chapter 5­­­­ Geomorphology and Landscape Evolution of Ny-Ålesund Region and Its Implication for Tectonics, Svalbard, Arctic,

Chapter 6 Biogenic Silica Indicator of Paleoproductivity in Lacustrine Sediments of Svalbard, Arctic,

Chapter 7 Role of Persistent Organic Pollutants and Mercury in the Arctic Environment and Indirect Impact on Climate Change,

Chapter 8 Fate and Transport of Mercury in the Arctic Environmental Matrices under Varying Climatic Conditions,

Chapter 9 Increasing Presence of Non-Polar Isolates in the Tundra and Fjord Environment – a Pointer towards Warming Trends in the Arctic,

Chapter 10 Zooplankton of the Past, Present and Future: Arctic Marine Ecosystem,

Chapter 11 Spectroscopic Characterizations of Humic Acids Isolated From Diverse Arctic Environments,

Chapter 12 Arctic Phyto-Technology,

Chapter 13 Bio-Optical Characteristics in Relation to Phytoplankton Composition and Productivity in a Twin Arctic Fjord Ecosystem during Summer,

Chapter 14 Recent Advances in Seismo-Geophysical Studies for the Arctic Region under Climate Change Scenario,

Chapter 15 Decadal Arctic Sea Ice Variability and Its Implication in Climate Change