Individuals are equipped with a wide range of knowledge that enhances their employability, health, family life, and social engagement. On this basis, providing equality for all has been set to be achieved as one of the United Nations sustainable development priorities. However, the international understandings are not only of what equality and inclusivity entail but also the social vision to achieve social justice. Best practices provide a meaningful cross-national discussion with respect to the following topics: power relations within research, social inequalities in society, science research for social justice, the redefinition of the notion of social justice, education for social justice, spatial justice, the research of gender and marginalized groups, the re-conceptualization of the epistemological foundation of research, hegemonic discourses on research, science technology for social justice and welfare, as well as culture and social justice.

This edited book aims to provide a new perspective for other benefits of research because generally, the research carried out only aims to answer scientific problems and often override aspects of humanities. In response to these concerns, the book attempts to re-map the main objectives of the research. The authors in this book offer new perspectives, especially in formulating the purposes of the studies they will perform. Therefore, this book presents a unique review of research with a variety of approaches that are coherent with the state of society in the world, followed by eleven scopes of various cases from a variety of perspectives that highlight theoretical and methodological questions about research and social justice. This book presents outstanding applications through multiple types of approaches that are relevant to the current context of world community issues. The articles in this book will be of interest to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as researchers who are interested in the social field, especially research for social justice.

chapter |4 pages

Restructurization of peace education in higher education

ByIdrus Affandi, Leni Anggraeni

chapter |7 pages

Migration as women resilience: An analysis of Indonesia migrant worker

ByAnggaunitakiranantika, Irawan Kodir

chapter |5 pages

Deradicalization in higher education: How to make it work?

ByLeni Anggraeni

chapter |4 pages

Strengthening unity and harmony using local wisdom as a conflict resolution: An ethnographicstudy of Malay community in Pontianak

ByIdham Azwar, Idrus Affandi, Bunyamin Maftuh, Elly Malihah

chapter |4 pages

Education and management of culture on the indigenous community of Tengger tribe

ByO.H. Nurcahyono, Dwi Astutik, Zaini Rohmad

chapter |6 pages

Characteristical strengthening based on cultural society on Cireundeu traditional villagers

ByElly Malihah Jaenuri, Firman Aziz, Dena Mustika

chapter |7 pages

Who is the most tolerance: Minority or majority?

ByGrendi Hendrastomo, Nur Endah Januarti, Nur Hidayah

chapter |5 pages

From local food wisdom to local food movement in Kampong Cireundeu, Cimahi City, West Java model

ByRakhmat Hidayat, Eko Siswono, M. Hasymi Yanuardi

chapter |6 pages

Weighing justice for LGBT

ByY. Kurniawan, I.D.A. Nurhaeni, I.S. Putri

chapter |7 pages

The development of audiovisual learning media by using pinnacle studio on Penal law course

ByCamellia Kurnisar, Edwin Nurdiansyah

chapter |5 pages

Bringing social justice into research in education

ByBunyamin Maftuh, Vina Adriany

chapter |9 pages

Empowering Dayak Segandhu community through welfare improvement

ByElly Malihah, Puspita Wulandari, Wilodati, Siti Nurbayani

chapter |5 pages

Pedophilic sexual disorders towards children: How should the community be taken care of?

ByS. Nurbayani, E. Malihah, S. Komariah, L. Utami

chapter |9 pages

Gender disparity in tourism management: Evidence from Indonesia

ByI.D.A. Nurhaeni, R. Sugiarti

chapter |6 pages

Pancasila culture and social justice

ByChristine Edith Pheeney

chapter |6 pages

Women’s entrepreneurial literacy and their business competitiveness

ByAnwar Soleh Purba, Achmad Hufad, Nani Sutarni

chapter |5 pages

Continuing political education: Learning through smart house elections

ByAl Rafni, Suryanef Suryanef, Hariyanti

chapter |5 pages

From rebellion to conformity: Study in punishment and de-ideologization of ex-terrorists in Indonesia

ByRobertus Robet, Rusfadia Saktiyanti Jahja

chapter |5 pages

The protection of teachers’s rights in enforcing discipline in students

ByRika Sartika, Imas Kurniawaty

chapter |4 pages

Peer mediation as a conflict resolution model in social studies learning in vocational high schools

ByBunyamin Maftuh Sudarmi, Elly Malihah, Mamat Ruhimat

chapter |9 pages

Sunan Gunung Djati’s cultural Da’wah: Emphasis of the peaceful tradition among the people

ByK. Suryadi, L. Anggraeni, S.W. Tanshzil

chapter |4 pages

The innovation of religion-based education policy in Padang City

BySuryanef Suryanef, Al Rafni

chapter |9 pages

The needs of community-based integrated child protection in West Java, Indonesia

ByEllya Susilowati Susilawati, Teta Riasih, Ignatius Praptoraharjo

chapter |5 pages

Influence of socio-economic status of families on the academic achievement of students in Sma BPI 1 Bandung

ByMuhammad Irfan Triawan, Achmad Hufad, Sardin

chapter |6 pages

Hoax and local journalist in Bandung

ByDarajat Wibawa

chapter |7 pages

When elderlies define the word “happy”: A challenge for collective society

ByYasnita, Karim Suryadi, Dasim Budimansyah, Udin S. Winataputra

chapter |7 pages

Building critical thinking of conflict to Millennials in the frame of diversity: Is it possible?

BySapriya Yayuk Hidayah, Elly Malihah, Bunyamin Miftuh