First Published in 1986, this two-volume set explores the methods of toxicological risk assessment. Carefully compiled and filled with a vast repertoire of notes, diagrams, and references this book serves as a useful reference for toxicologists and other practitioners in their respective fields.

part A|2 pages

Biological Criteria

chapter 1|38 pages

Interspecies Extrapolation of Drug and Genetic Toxicity Data

ByR. W. Hart, L. Fishbein

chapter 2|12 pages

Pharmacokinetic Differences Between Species

ByJ. R. Withey

chapter 3|38 pages

Differences in Metabolism at Different Dose Levels

ByE. J. O’Flaherty

chapter 4|14 pages

Toxicological Effects On Carcinogenesis

ByR. C. Shank, L. R. Barrows

chapter 5|18 pages

Problems in Interspecies Extrapolation

ByDavid B. Clayson

part B|2 pages

Statistical Criteria

chapter 6|24 pages

Statistical Design And Analysis Of The Long-Term Carcinogenicity Bioassay

ByM. Bickis, Daniel Krewski

chapter 7|16 pages

Statistical Analysis of Rodent Tumorigenicity Experiments

ByS. W. Lagakos, T. A. Louis

chapter 8|21 pages

Use of the Hartley-Sielken Model in Low Dose Extrapolation

ByR. L. Sielken

chapter 10|10 pages

Incorporation of Pharmacokinetics in Low-Dose Risk Estimation

ByD. G. Hoel